Finally had the opportunity to test the new Epsilon DLS. What an amazing wing! I was able to make four flights in different conditions and around 30min of ground handling. All in all I was unimpressed impressed about this Wing, more later. I have my license exactly one year now and could test several wings during this time (+- ten wings). My absolute favorite is the Flare Moustache. There is no way around this wing and a review is planed. An other highlight wing I could fly is the Nova Mentor 7 light, wich felt super solid, fast, reactive but is a little heavier and not easy to pack small. The Niviuk Hook 5 light was also super cool to fly and on the data sheet very similar to the Epsilon, but rolled more without input.
Most of the time I flew my Pi3 wich is super easy, super light but I always missed the performance on smaller xc flights. Then I heard thad Advance will bring a a new Epsilon wich is lighter than the older version and it was clear that I have to give it a try. I ordered the size 26m2 with the light raisers. The raisers are light! Even thinner than on my Pi3 and you really need a closer look before you clip in. The chance for twisted raisers is higher compared to standard risers.

On the first start I had some cross tailwind and was surprised how easy the Epsilon DLS comes up. For sure not the best conditions for the first start. With some headwind, launching is just a dream. No overshooting. The Epsilon rises slow and steady and is waiting over your head for the launch. On the ground, the Epsilon DLS wants to start flying and you need to have it s little on the breaks. You can easy launch the glider without holding on the A lines.
In the air the Epsilon felt unimpressed impressed. I felt home after I lifted the ground and could enjoy my flight. Compared to a Pi, the Epsilon DLS feels much more reactive, but you always have the control. It turns on a dime and it is pure pleasure to circle in the thermic and climb faster than other gliders. Most of the time I was the highest and could start exploring the world.
The break travel is long. To test the stall point I really had to push the handles down and even then it was hard to stall the glider. Break pressure is super high and you feel exactly when the Epsilon stalls. I really like that behavior. The Epsilon DLS also reacts great on weight shifts and on the bar, you can easy turn on the C lines.
Spirals are fun and compared to the Pi you really feel more Gs. I felt that I had to bee a little bit more active to stop the spiral compared to the Pi . I can‘t tell you if it stays in a spiral. Didn’t try it out. Wingovers are the most fun on the Epsilon! Due to the fact that it reacts great on turning inputs, you fly big wingovers after three turns and even barrel rolls are super easy. After a high wingover just stay on the break and you will spinn around.
Side collapses and big ears reopen by itself and don’t t need any inputs from the pilot. The light risers are super tight between the A and B and with big gloves you have to squeeze the hand in between to pull on the A lines. On the speed bar the Epsilon flys faster and the glide is still great. I don’t have exact datas, but flying side by side to my friend on his Pi2 (not on speed bar) I didn’t had more sink on the first stage of the bar, but was much faster compared to him.
Great and comfortable wing with outstanding built quality, precise steering, huge potential for your first XC flights, easy start and landing behavior and it really gives you the opportunity to explore your potential and rise with the glider!
Harness: Advance Weightless
Take off weight: 97kg
Pilot has 230+ Ffights
Conditions: 2x easy peasy fly down with maneuvers, 1x 59min soaring in light thermic, 1x 45min strong wind soaring in super turbulent conditions, 40min of ground handling
Kommentar schreiben
Raphael K. (Dienstag, 16 Mai 2023 11:27)
Cool, vielen Dank für dein Review.
Hätte noch eine Frage, bekommst du den Epsilon DLS 26 und das Weightless in den 60L Rucksack oder hast du den 70l Rucksack?
@Raphael K (Dienstag, 16 Mai 2023 12:05)
Ich habe den 70l Rucksack und bringe gut noch den Helm, Handschuhe, Brille, Snacks und Jacke mit rein. 60l sollte auch gehen, aber da bringst du sicher weniger hinein. Ich verwende den leichten Zellenpacksack von Gin (den grösseren).
Marcel (Mittwoch, 31 Mai 2023 15:05)
Cool beschrieben.
Ich habe den 9/26 seit Release.
Wie würdest Du den Unterschied beschreiben da Du offenbar beide kennst ?
Gruess Marcel
@Marcel (Mittwoch, 31 Mai 2023 22:38)
Hallo Marcel
Ich bin den alten Epsilon nur mal ganz kurz geflogen und ich kann dir die Unterschiede nicht mehr sagen zum aktuellen Modell. Dazumal fand ich ihn etwas träge im Vergleich zu meinem Pi, war aber glaube ich auch die Grösse 28.
Lg, Simon
Max (Dienstag, 06 Juni 2023 06:43)
Schönes Review. Habe ebenfalls den Epsilon DLS. Ein toller Schirm, sehr agil und wendig.
Einzig beim Start finde ich hat der Epsilon eine leichte Tendenz zum Vorschiessen, was mir auch von den Vorgängerepsilon 8/9 ebenfalls bekannt ist. Ansich aber ein qualitativ hochwertiges Segel "swissmade"
@Max (Dienstag, 06 Juni 2023 20:17)
Schön zu hören! Das Vorschiessen kann ich bislang nicht bestätigen. Auch in ruppigen Bedingungen hatte ich immer saubere Starts. Schirm kommt magisch hoch. Letzten Sonntag war ich am Üetliberg und viele hatten Mühe beim Start. Ich ging so smooth weg, habs gar nicht bemerkt bis ich flog :-) Evt. bin auch abgehärtet von vorschiessenden Flügel. Starte mal einen kleinen Speedflyer, dann weisst du was krass vorschiessen heisst!
Und wie es immer so schön heisst: Groundhandling ist einfach unerlässlich.
LG, Simon
Miro (Mittwoch, 07 Juni 2023 17:12)
Konnte auch eine Tendenz zum Vorschiessen feststellen (Vergleich Geo6), wie sich die Eindrücke doch unterscheiden :)
raphi (Samstag, 24 Juni 2023 14:37)
danke für dein review. ich habe auch einen pi3 23 und überlege schon länger mir einen epsilon dls 24 zu holen. hab ihn auch schon geflogen. ob ich mehr performance hatte kann ich allerdings nicht so richtig beurteilen. wie ist deine einschätzung?
@raphi (Samstag, 24 Juni 2023 14:42)
Der Pi ist in der Thermik genial und steigt super. Der Epsi ist da klar ebenbürdig aber etwas lebendiger. Die performance merkst du vor allem beschleunigt. Da hat der Pi keine Chance mehr. Habe den Epsi 1:1 mit einem Arak Air verglichen und wir hatten in allen Flugphasen die selben Werte, obwohl der Arak mehr Zellen hat und gestreckter ist.
Dan (Freitag, 01 Dezember 2023 12:06)
Thanks for the review!
Now a few month have passed, do you have any updates?
On reddit, someone wrote:
"...Looking at the flight test reports for both, they're pretty much the same there. That being said, the DLS has a bit of a reputation for more violent collapses. Which I can attest to. Had one a couple weeks ago that scared the shit out of me. I had a full frontal that immediately dove hard to the left on me then a big asymmetric before straightening itself out. I almost got a twist, but was able to grab the risers to prevent it. I haven't flow the Epic 2, nor many other wings for that matter so I can't compare. I think my friend has one, I may ask if I can try it.
I had an epsilon 8 before the iota and every collapse I had with that was a complete non-event....."
Would you second that and do you find you have more and more violent collapses compared to the Pi?
Would a appreciate your thoughts. I'm evaluating a new glider (coming from an EN/A).
Options are: Epsilon DLS, Phi Beat light, Arak Air, Ion7 light
I thought the Epsilon DLS would be the better suited coming from an EN/A, since ist has the lowest aspect ratio. And I like the idea behind the DLS (more robust than some of the "light" gliders).
@Dan (Freitag, 01 Dezember 2023 23:13)
Hi Dan
I hope you see this. I made this webpage with jimdo and if someone wrote s coment, I can't connect with the person and let him know that I have answered.
I made a lot of flights in between and enjoyed every flight very very much. Never had any problems, collapses, and scary situations. The Epsilon DLS is super forgiving (in Size 26). I have no idea how smaller wings will behave well-loaded. I made also some bivak flights and was super loaded in strong thermals near the terrain. Not the situation you want to be but I was never scared (might be that due to my speed flying, I am used to flying close) and the Wing handled every situation very well.
The Wing has its will and it moves front and back in thermals. I give the wing his will but I clearly tell him when it's too much and stop it. So active flying is a must. I am sure that there are softer and braver low B wings out there and the Epsilond DLS with its semi-light cloth and the thin lines is on the sporty side. You have to get used to it and as long you are talented, and you go ground handling, you can easily manage its behavior.
I also saw some videos of some guys with collapses and I have to say that these people better stay on the ground and are not made to fly. They have two left hands and never groundhandle.
I have a 12-year-old EN B Wing and this one is terrible to groundhandle. But I go when ever it's windy and I find it sooooo easy even in turbulent conditions. So I think I have the skills and the Epsilon DLLs is under my possibilities of what I can fly. But I like to enjoy the time in the air and take pictures and just have fun. So a little bit less performance doesn't care for me. If I want action I take my Moustache or my Miniwing.
Cheers, Simon
Dan (Samstag, 02 Dezember 2023 10:51)
Hi Simon, thanks for the feedback!
I actually contacted the guy from Reddit (who wrote about the collapse), I got suspicious because of his last sentence "...I had an epsilon 8 before the iota...".
He posted in a wrong thread. He talks about DLS and actually meant "Iota DLS", not "Epsilon DLS".
I'm going to test-fly the Epsilon and looking forward to it!
Dan (Montag, 01 Januar 2024 11:16)
I finally ordered the Epsilon DLS :-)
Tested the Epsilon DLS (size 24, take-off weight 85kg, normal risers) along with the Ion7 light (size XS) over several days in 'no' or 'light' thermal conditions.
The weight of both gliders is about the same, but the Ion7 light packs much smaller.
Sorting lines was very easy with the Ion 7 and a little bit harder with the Epsilon DLS (lines get tangled up more).
Build quality is very nice on both of them.
The Epsilon is a dream to start, best I ever tried, doesn't shoot.
I didn't like the cloth of the Ion 7 light, very slippery and it gets blown away easier (only a problem with forward starts, when wind is inconsitent or from behind).
Certification level: the 'final' certification level is derived from over 20 tests. If one test is EN/B, then the final certification is also EN/B.
In case of the Epsilon DLS, it's just one single test (plus a second, if you are at the uppermost weight range) that makes it an EN/B. And the one test it is not EN/A I don't really care about ("Behaviour exiting a fully developed spiral dive - Initial response of glider (first 180°)")
Also forums and reviews in the internet can be quite misleading. In some forums, people wrote the Epsilon DLS was too fast and too agile. Don't trust someone you don't know and try it for yourself! For me, none of that was true. I found the glider was very well behaved and also not particularly agile. I appreciate, if a glider doesn't delay your input.
That was also Simons outcome in the review above.
It's very hard which one of the Ion or Epsilon glides better, I guess they are about the same.
What I can say for sure is that it glides quite a bit better than the Yeti, but that was to be expected (the Yeti is a mounain wing like the Pi).
The main reason I chose the Epsilon DLS over the Ion7 light was thin cloth of the Ion7 light and that the Epsilon DLS is almost EN/A.
My take:
The Epsilon DLS is easier to fly, more stable in roll and pitch compared to the Yeti 5 and in my opinion even more beginner friendly.
It glides better than the Yeti 5 (the main reason I sold the Yeti) and still it is perfectly suited as a Hike&Fly glider (my main goal).
And as stated above, it is almost an EN/A glider.
Try it for yourself.
Simon (Montag, 01 Januar 2024 18:01)
Yeaaaa, cool to hear that and thanks for yor thoughts. Four days ago I went to Stechelberg with a friend. He has the ned Cumeo 2 in 22.79m2 and hes takeoff weight is about 80kg. We had very simlar speed (zero to full gas), best Glide and sink. The first 2 comparison glides we couldn't find a difference and the Cumeo 2 is high B. Once we had some small lift, he climed a little bit better. But he has less kg/m2.
I thought that the difference will be more, but actually I was surprised how good the Epsilon is against others.